
Thursday, October 30, 2003

Friend directed me to the Alien Vs. Predator teaser. It's a QT file, so be prepared if you don't happen to have Quicktime on your computer. Found a link to a short AVP featurette, too. Here is a link to the Ain't It Cool News "review" of a draft of the script. It's got some spoilers, but since the movie doesn't come out till next August, it's not like it's a huge deal.

On the Halloween front, it looks like I've found a kit that'll allow me to look like Darkness. If you don't know who/what that is, I take pity on you for missing out on a great movie (Legend).

Bought the new issue of OXM and it has a three-minute trailer/teaser for the X2 DVD. Lotsa Nightcrawler footage, but unfortunately it can't be viewed on a regular DVD player...Xbox-compatible only. Sorry, kids.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Saw some really nice and interesting cars today in my little jaunt to Mobile. Went by Suncoast and they had a life-size Jack Skellington on display in the store, as well as the Clerks figures and the 12" Animal. It will be mine...oh yes, it will be mine. Went to FYE shortly afterwards and read an interview with Maynard James Keenan (I think it was in Revolver magazine). Basically, he expresses a distaste for fans and dealing with them late in the interview (which doesn't surprise me given that he performs some of his shows with his back to the fans...he did when I saw Tool in Blloxi last year). Read the entire interview and you really get the feeling that, like a lot of people who are extremely creative, he's also pretty...well...disturbed, would be the best way to put it. Doesn't change the fact that I think he's one hell of a songwriter, even if my opinion of him as a singer has changed.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Watching Finding Nemo (it's good when former customers repay favors) right now. Great movie...I'm sorry I didn't catch it in the theaters. Hulk is coming out in about 10 minutes, and I think I'm gonna pick it up. DLed the Batman: Dead End thing from Kazaa...had a friend at work recommend it to me. Gonna see if I can get a signed promo sheet or something from it. Should be able to since my dad's friends with Walter Koenig (Boner's dad).

Friday, October 24, 2003

Been watching "I Love the '80s Strikes Back" for the last few days and only have a few things to say...one of which is, could Boy George look any freakier? He looks like some goddamned alien! And the addition of Gedde Watanabe, Donal Logue, Mark McGrath (who knows a scary amount about music...watch him kick some ass on Rock and Roll Jeopardy sometime), and Greg Behrendt to the mix was a damned good idea.

Oh, and Susanna Hoff? Still hotter than hell.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Best. Ebay Auction. Ever.
My hair keeps getting progressively shorter and shorter, and I'm leaning back towards growing the facial hair out again...I've heard conflicting opinions, but so far, the majority of people seem to be wanting me to grow it back out again...the only problem is that it takes so damn long for it to look decent and while I liked it, it was a lot more trouble than I was used to. At least it made me look older...people still think I'm 19 or 20, which is getting really damned old. Then again, I'm immature as all hell...I don't think that's changing anytime soon, for some strange reason. Since I stopped taking life so damned seriously, though, I've noticed my friends wanting to hang out with me a lot more. Might be some sort of correlation there.

Supposed to be headed to Baton Rouge for a few interviews on Monday and Tuesday, as well as check out the area and my friend's apartment. Got like five interviews and they're all office jobs, which means good pay, regular hours, and weekends off. And one of the interviews is with an engineering consulting firm...huge bonus, since it's what I've been doing for my uncle free of charge for years now. Still not sure whether to finish up and grab my BS in aerospace engineering (another 2 1/2 years) or start fresh and get a culinary arts degree. I know I like doing both things equally, and engineering is far more lucrative and less of a time/life/relationship-killer. Also requires me to use my brain, and I miss having to do that on a regular basis.

Absolutely ZERO news as far as relationships go...Amanda still hasn't written back even though Laura swears she wants to start things up with me once she gets done with flight school...but then she's planning on moving to Cali or Nevada, which doesn't seem to make things workable. I guess part of the reason that bugs me is that Amanda's the closest to issue-free I've seen in a long time.

I'm such a geek that I'm actually eager to buy the new Magic game on Xbox...even though I haven't played Magic in nearly six years. Charlie's Angels 2 came out...do people actually watch that shit? Seriously...I wanna lie in wait and beat anyone who buys that movie to death. Saw something interesting on Toon Disney the other day...a Lilo and Stitch series. Oh yes, and can someone kill John Mayer in a very painful and public way?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Everyone needs to download this video. It's too damned funny...the language isn't work safe, though. Then you can see some interesting pics of Britney Spears.

BTW, if you haven't already, pick up or at least listen to Brushfire Fairytales or On and On (the albums) by Jack Johnson. He also collaborated with G Love and Special Sauce for a song on Philadelphonic.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

"But life isn't all puppies and rainbows, and if it was, 3/4 of life would be mauled disfigured robotic satanic puppies addicted to heroin, and chemically tainted pollution created rainbows, that eat off your skin and give you scabies when you finally find the end and walk through it, like the haze over Gary, Indiana. Or the smoke from the 20yr tire fire in Gary, Indiana, the armpit of America."

Words of semi-wisdom from a friend.

Things are moving along nicely now. I'll probably wind up moving shortly after the new year.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

This is the car I want and the color I want it in, minus the goofy decals on the front fender. They're dropping in price like a brick, so it'll be doable.

I just realized that I really don't understand other people. I was raised to not really have many boundaries, to not have many things I'm not willing to talk about or discuss, and while I'm not the most open person in the world, I try to be somewhat amenable to criticism. I'm honest with my friends to the point of bluntness or rudeness at times, but I never say anything about them behind their back that I wouldn't say to their face. What amazes me is that there are people in this world who constantly talk shit about and backbite their "friends" and then act all lovey-dovey to them when they're actually around them. Basically, you never know where you stand with them unless you're completely oblivious to their bullshit and truly believe that what you see is what you get. That's rarely the case. As a matter of fact, I can only name two people in the microcosm I'm referring to who are actually honest 100% of the time, and they're alienated in some ways for it. The others are friendly to whoever's around and talk shit about everyone else when they're not around. Pretty fucked-up, but it seems like that's the more normal behavior. It just happens to be something I don't quite understand.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Bought Matrix Reloaded yesterday, and I have to say that it still drags in some parts, but it's better than when I saw it in the theater. I've got a few theories about what's coming up in Revolutions, but I'm gonna keep those in hiding till I actually go see Revolutions.

My friend who moved to BR came in last night (was getting clothes from his parents' house) and told me he could see about getting me a good-paying job out there and I could have one of the bedrooms in his 5 bedroom apartment for $75 a month. Just gotta check on culinary schools in the area, but it's definitely doable...and I'd be able to afford to get that bright blue Mini Cooper S I've been drooling over. Or maybe a Honda S2000...gotta see about that whole practicality thing.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Got an MMC reader to go along with my phone and downloaded some WAVs to it for ringtones and also DLed Doom. I'm a geek, yes, but it's still damned fun to play. Haven't had a chance to see any movies recently...sux. DLed Finding Nemo and was pretty impressed with what I saw. Definitely going to be picking that one up on DVD.

Been mentally building a computer with GonzO's help and am just getting pricing sorted out and deciding whether or not I want to build it myself. Also, after talking to him and getting his critique of Tool and listening to it with an open mind, I have to agree with his assessment. MJK has pretty poor breath control and so winds up whining most of the lyrics. Maynard can make you feel what he's feeling, yeah, but vocally, he's overrated. Wanna hear good vocals? Look no further than Incubus and Soundgarden/Audioslave.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Well...a lot has happened. A girl I went out with like three years ago IMed me today from out of the blue. I got a new phone (Nokia 3650) and have made some new friends. Gotten in touch with several old friends again and cut ties with a few, as well. Downloaded a shitload of Jimmy Eat World songs, as well as a bunch of Return of the King stuff.

BTW, Michelle...my comment on Krazy's site wasn't directed at anyone specifically...more of a general statement. I'm not as simple and cut-and-dry as I may appear at times, and drawing conclusions about me and my character based only on what I write isn't the brightest thing to do. My friend that I mentioned is a guy I consider my brother (even though it's not exactly popular to be best friens with a gay black guy), calls my father "Dad" and used to spend every weekend at my house in high school. He detests certain gay personality types more than I do. And no, the poofy hat/purse/profuse usage of the word "bitch" were not an exaggeration (sadly enough). I can get security tape footage to prove that.;-)

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